Monday, April 19, 2010

Exercising One’s Way into a Slim Figure

How does one approach exercise? We all know that it is good for us but yet we keep ignoring the admonitions to do more exercise. Some people say that the practice of exercises is just too strenuous on them and they would rather do something else. Others believe that too much exercise is going to harm their body and it is better to simply ignore the whole thing and hope for the best. Even the people who advocate for exercise refuse to take into consideration the individual challenges that people face when they are trying to lose weight. Instead they pile on the pressure by insisting that the people have to do the exercise or risk a certain amount of health hazards.

Although this may be all true, the manner in which the message is sent out might end up putting off some people from undergoing good weight control programs. If all they ever do is to associate the exercise mill with a terrible backache or a screaming instructor, they will not look back on it as a fond activity that they can do all the time. In fact the harsh regime might end up achieving the opposite of what it set out to do. It might permanently put the person off exercise because of the bad associations. That is why it is imperative that the people who are responsible for all the training schemes endeavor to get people onto the exercise mill with some sweeteners and words of encouragement. Harshness is really not the answer to weight problems.

It is important to remember that exercise is always a gradual process that has its ups and downs. It is not always the case that someone will walk onto the treadmill and immediately start to lose the pounds. There will be periods of despair and slow progress which might eventually turn out to be the periods that help them to build their confidence enough to go for even tougher exercises. It has been said that in exercise it is better to do the small things regularly than the large things all at once. The veracity of these statements is in question because different people have different ways of ensuring that they can complete their exercises within time and up to schedule. There is no one size that happens to fit all those concerned. Rather the people will build their own bespoke solutions for each occasion.